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Babytrold - Foam Molded Changing Mat - Rose

Molded foam puzzle pad from Babytrold. The puzzle is soft and comfortable, and nice to touch. It is made of soft foam material, which makes it nice to lie on. With its high edges, you help ensure that the baby does not roll down. The puzzle pad has a wat…
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Molded foam puzzle pad from Babytrold. The puzzle is soft and comfortable, and nice to touch. It is made of soft foam material, which makes it nice to lie on. With its high edges, you help ensure that the baby does not roll down. The puzzle pad has a waterproof surface so it is easy to keep clean and dry.

Product info:

  • Dimensions: LxWxH: 66 x 49 x 7 cm
  • Materials: PU polyurethane
  • Weight 1,5 kg


Babytrold is a danish family company, that started develop prams back in 1994. Babytrold keeps developing new products and improves the exciting as well. There product line keeps growing and the past years it has grown with a lot of pram models and baby products. Babytrold knows how important it is to new parents to get the best products for there baby, and that is why Babytrold strives to make the best products for your baby.

Transport is a lot more than getting from A to B. When it comes to a car you have a lot of thought regarding security, economy, comfort and design. The same things should be important when you buy a new pram.

The European security demands to a pram are strict, but not all lives up to these important demands. That's why it is important to buy a pram, that meets the European standard EN:1888:2012, which all Babytrold prams is tested and approved by. There is a lot of thoughts in both practical and security details in the development of the wagons. The beautiful and comfortable design is just a pleasing contribution to your daily stroll.


Produkt ID
Babytrold - Foam Molded Changing Mat - Rose

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